Parish Bulletin |
Meet Father Matthew
Liturgical Ministries
Hospitality Ministers:
Eucharistic Ministers:
Art and Environment:
Music Ministers:
Hand Bell Choir:
Hospitality Ministers:
- They share responsibility in the ministry of hospitality. Their presence in the gathering space before Mass is to greet visitors as they arrive and escort them to their seats. Ushers help distribute necessary materials, assist gift bearers during the Offertory.
- They proclaim the Word of God. The most effective sign of a good reader is a person reading with life, energy, intelligence and enthusiasm.
- contact Jim Koger at [email protected]
- contact Jim Koger at [email protected]
Eucharistic Ministers:
- They share the bread and cup and themselves with each person who approaches them. Their ministry is one of hospitable, personal presence in service to the celebrating assembly. *Diocesan training a prerequisite.
- contact Jim Koger at [email protected]
- contact Jim Koger at [email protected]
- They have a primary role to help prepare the worship service, lead the people in prayer and assist as a minister during communion. Girls and boys ages 11 and above are welcome to be trained as servers. Please contact Mike Koll 816-746-6349.
- contact Jim Koger at [email protected]
- contact Jim Koger at [email protected]
Art and Environment:
- This is a collaborative ministry working together to aesthetically and visually enhance our parish celebration. A lot of physical energy is required and a good sense of liturgy.
Music Ministers:
- They are all those who make music for worship: choir director, organist, pianist, cantor, choir members, and other instrumentalists. All these pastoral musicians need to be competent in their art, skilled in their understanding and sense of the liturgy and able to model and inspire Christian faith.
Hand Bell Choir:
- This is an exciting way to learn to read music and become an active participant in liturgy. Hand bells are fun to play for all ages.
Pastoral Ministry & Care
Communion for the Hospitalized Through combining efforts the churches north of the river bring the Eucharist to the hospital on rotating days. PLEASE NOTE: Hospitals (NKC Hospital included) will no longer list your name if you have not requested it at admitting on the visitor list (due to privacy rule). If you are going to the hospital and want communion, please call the parish office.
Communion for the Homebound Our homebound parishioners, those unable to be with us at weekend Liturgies, are visited by volunteer lay ministers on Sundays or another day of the week if preferred . Please call the parish office if you would like to volunteer to take Communion to the homebound or if you or another parishioner would like to receive Communion.
Communion for the Homebound Our homebound parishioners, those unable to be with us at weekend Liturgies, are visited by volunteer lay ministers on Sundays or another day of the week if preferred . Please call the parish office if you would like to volunteer to take Communion to the homebound or if you or another parishioner would like to receive Communion.
Social Concerns
Hope and Healing after Abortion
Resource Health Services is a ministry which strives to reach out to those suffering from the aftermath of abortion. Trained, nonjudgmental staff walk will walk with you on your journey to forgiveness, mercy and peace after an abortion. Resource Health Services offers: small healing groups, one-on-one counseling ,a web-based healing study, a weekend healing retreat. Project Rachel ministers to women and men who are hurting from an abortion. All contacts are confidential.
- Phone: 816-591-3804
- Website:
Nottingham Society
- Food and other household needs can be dropped off in the appropriate location when coming to attend the weekend Liturgies, or at the Parish Office during normal business hours. Nottingham Society’s Hours of Operation are by appointment on Monday and Thursday mornings. Please contact the parish office to make an appointment.
- For all other questions, please call Yvonne Salinas at 816.453.0971 x. 211
Altar and Rosary Society
- Altar and Rosary Society is a women’s group that provides prayer, spiritual enrichment, and fellowship. It helps blend prayer and service to others with opportunities of outreach within St. Patrick and the greater community. There are monthly meetings. Funds are raised through bake sales throughout the year. Altar and Rosary helps to coordinate funeral luncheons that St. Patrick offers.
- To volunteer for this ministry, please email Linda Monaco at [email protected].
- The Columbiettes welcome Catholic women 18 years of age and older. Columbiettes are affiliated with the Knights of Columbus. Monthly meetings are held. Over the course of the year, several events are held to help raise funds for the parish.
- To volunteer for this ministry:
- Contact patty Dunsworth at [email protected]
Knights of Columbus
- The Knights of Columbus welcome Catholic men 18 years of age and older. Monthly meetings are held. Over the course of the year, several events are held to help raise funds for the parish.
- To volunteer for this ministry:
- Contact Zach Clevenger at 816-560-5901
- The Scouting program is designed to help parents and community organizations help boys and girls grow. Among the many goals, Scouting strives to positively influence character development and to foster a sense of personal achievement. Dens are formed for each grade and meet 2-3 times a month. Once a month, all Dens come together for a Pack meeting where children are recognized for their achievements.
- To volunteer for this ministry, please email Luther Solomon at [email protected].
Ministries Within the Church
Church Cleaning
Money Counters
Coffee and Theology
Parish Finance Council
- Cleaning crews make sure the Church is ready for mass. Crews are scheduled to come in on Fridays to sweep, mop, and do general cleaning of the Church space.
- To volunteer for this ministry, please call Marilyn Rowland at 816.453.3032
Money Counters
- Monday Counters work in teams to count how much money is collected at each of the Masses. Teams are scheduled on a monthly basis. Teams report to count money at 9:30 on Sunday morning. 10 key experience is helpful, but not required.
- To volunteer for this ministry:
- Contact Dana Nolan at [email protected]
- This annual late fall event is St. Patrick’s main fundraiser. Each year the theme sets the mood for the entire evening. Food, entertainment, gifts, and friends help make up this special evening that benefits all the ministries at St. Patrick. There are multiple ways to help, including making phone calls, picking up donations, writing thank you notes, and decorating for the event.
- To volunteer for this ministry, please call the Parish Office.
Coffee and Theology
- Over coffee and doughnuts, gather to read, converse, and hear presentations on a variety of topics that explore our Catholic faith between the Sunday morning Masses.
- Email Deacon Jim Koger at [email protected] for more information.
Parish Finance Council
- The Parish Finance Council advises the pastor regarding financial matters of the parish. After analyzing the needs of ministry, debt, parish maintenance and capital improvements, a fiscal budget is prepared. Financial statements are reviewed at quarterly meetings. At the end of the fiscal year, the parish annual report to the diocese is reviewed and approved by the members, as well as the publication of the year-end results and the upcoming budget for the parish at large.
- Contact Dana Nolan at [email protected]