Who is faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive – and able to leap tall buildings with single bound?
Superman - who I could have used to clean my driveway this past week. . . And no one was supposed to know that superman’s real identity was – Clark Kent – or his cover would have been blown. An easy one: who spins a web any size - catching thieves just like flies – look out – here comes – who? Spider Man. But again, no one was supposed to know that spiderman’s real identity was - Peter Parker - or his cover would have been blown. This one is a little tougher – but I will give you a hint - it’s so I can’t be accused of being sexists in my choice of superheroes – and it was a recent answer on Jeopardy – the clue was: all the world is waiting for her, and the power she possess. In her satin tights fighting for your rights – and the old red, white and blue – is who?? Wonder woman! Whose real identity was Diana Price. . . Now – who gives comfort to God’s people, speaks tenderly to Jerusalem – who trains us to reject godless ways, and teaches us to live temperately, justly, and devoutly???? Jesus Christ – who after 30 years of living an obscure life in Nazareth – has his cover blown today at his Baptism – when a voice from heaven said: “You are my beloved son; with you I am well pleased. . .” Of course, it was only a matter of time before his cover was blown and his true identity made known – For it seems that from a young age - Jesus wasn’t exactly like other kids. . . visitors from the east bringing very unusual birthday gifts – a life-saving escape to Egypt – and just a few weeks ago, we heard how he was holding his own in the temple when “all who heard him were astounded.” And now – after his baptism in the Jordan by John the Baptist – Jesus – now known by some as God’s beloved son – sets out to heal people and work miracles and tell insightful stories and all kinds of other amazing things — Look out – here comes the Messiah-Man!! Of course his secret identity as God’s own son would not have been able to stay hidden for long – and it’s not that it could not stay hidden – but it should not be hidden – if he wanted to attract followers to help build God’s kingdom. For much of the ministry Jesus wanted to accomplish will eventually be entrusted others – and for them to be fully committed to what they were asked to do – they would need to have a clear understanding of just who Jesus truly was. In other words, unlike the fictional superheroes – the revealing of Jesus’ true identity would not compromise all the good he was sent to do. Rather, it would help bring about those very things – help to bring about the transformation and the sanctification of the world – the ever-unfolding outcome that Jesus would eventually die to make possible. THROUGH OUR BAPTISM - we become followers of Jesus – women and men chosen and entrusted to carry on Christ’s mission –embracing his hopes as our hopes – his vision as our vision - his priorities as ours. And with our Baptism, we possess a super power – yes a super power – called GRACE which Pope Francis calls our participation in God’s very nature. So with grace: will we be fully committed to Christ’s mission – or just slightly so? With grace - will we try our best to be faithful disciples of Jesus ALL the time - or only when it’s convenient? With our super power of grace - will we be willing to make sacrifices to advance the mission of Christ – or will we only choose the easiest way and do the minimum to get by? With grace - will we listen with open hearts or only hear a voice that confirms what we want to hear? And may, most importantly – with grace - will we let our true identity be known – or do our best to keep it a secret - so we don’t stand out in the crowd? On this feast of the Baptism of the Lord – which officially closes out the Christmas season – we are called to remember our own Baptism – when Jesus claimed us as is own and gave us a share in his divinity – our super power. Which should lead us to a very important question – who are we?? Is or identity truly formed by our Baptism – and if it is – do we try to keep that a secret - or do we live our lives boldly in our faith so that all around us will have no doubt that there’s something different about us– that we are a committed Christian?? Or, again, do we do our best to keep our true identity secret – so as to not really look – or act – or speak – differently than anyone else?? Do we have the same priorities as everyone else? The same prejudices and selfishness and narrow-mindedness? The same greed? The same need for attention and praise? Do we let our super power of grace lie dormant – or do we use it to help bring the kingdom of God about? Let’s be bold enough to embrace the kind of radical love and forgiveness that God shows us – so that our secret identity is blown – and people will know that we are followers of Christ – so the Kingdom of God can be a little more present – and the world will be just a little better place.
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