My name is Plutus – I was named after the Greek God of wealth – because that’s what I was, “filthy rich” as you say in your day.
I had a big house, lots of servants, good food to eat and fine wines to drink. I was living on easy street - another of your sayings, I think. But I was also a good Jew – I paid my temple tax, although I hated any type of taxes – especially the ones those foreign Romans oppressed us with. And I observed all the high holy days as well as strictly observed the Sabbath. You would not catch me working on the Sabbath – well, not that you would ever catch me working - that’s what you have servants for. I had heard of one of our Jewish brothers, Jesus was his name – who was preaching and teaching about a new way of living – living within the Kingdom of God here on earth - and enjoying it for all eternity in the life to come. I was curious about this. . . So, when I had the chance to meet him, I ran and knelt before him. And boldly asked him: what must I do to inherit eternal life? He quizzed me about my moral life and I told him keeping the commandments were a part of my daily life. He looked at me with love, I did not feel judged at all – and he told me to sell what I had, give it all to the poor, and to follow after him. Well – I wasn’t about to do that – give up my comfy lifestyle? Give up my servants? Give up everything I had worked so hard to achieve: no way. So I simply walked away. But I could not get this man out of my head – nor could I forget what he asked of me. I guess I could loosen the purse strings a little bit. It seems like every time I went out – I encountered more and more people who were begging just to keep alive. Maybe this Jesus was on to something. I heard that he wants us all to have a soft spot in our hearts for the widows, orphans, and foreigners - those prone to fall through the cracks in our society. . . Those words he spoke – cut into me like a two-edged sword – which penetrated my soul and spirit. . . So I prayed about all of this – and prudence was given me – I pleaded, and the spirit of wisdom came to me. And in the gift of wisdom given to me – I began to see and understand what I should have seen and understood all along – I was not the OWNER of anything I had – I was only a caretaker – a steward – and I began to recognize that everything I had – and everything I was – came to me as a gift from God – and gifts are given not to be clung to – but to share. I began to live my life out of a sense of abundance - rather than scarcity – which led me to become more generous with my time, my talent, and especially with my treasure. Jesus was right all along – I was lacking in one thing – a proper perspective of who I was and who I was called to be. By the time I figured all of this out –it was too late to show Jesus how the seeds of his wisdom had taken root in my heart – because I heard his way of thinking did not align with the thinking of the powers to be of Rome – and the shut him down by putting him to death. Now my friends, I only hope the same for you: allow the words you hear Jesus speak to you every week in this place to cut into you like a two-edged sword. Allow them to penetrate your soul and spirit. Look honestly and deeply into yourself and find out the one thing you are lacking– the thing that holds you back from living the life of a steward – one who knows everything they have is a gift from God - and then you will be on the path to being a true disciple. Maybe there are other things that hold you back from intentionally following after Jesus. . . Could it be you pray only here on Sunday – and then fail to set time during the week to pray by yourself or with your family? Consistent prayer will help you be on the path to true discipleship. Could it be that you give yourself to God only when you are here – then do whatever you want during the week – thinking you are at least covering your bases by coming to Mass? Living with integrity - letting what you do here affect the rest of living throughout the week – the choices you make, the words you speak – the things you do – will help you become a more intentional disciple of Jesus – following him more closely. Could it be that you cling so tightly to your possessions – like I did – that you cannot see the need to share a portion of them with others who are less fortunate than you. Being generous with your gifts God has blessed you with – will help you to be a better disciple. Could it be the thing you most have to turn loose of – is your busyness? Thinking that you are so busy, you just can’t find any time in your schedule to give yourself in humble service in some way – to your community, your Church – or may even your own family? Having a proper balance in your life will put you on the right path – the narrow path – to true discipleship. Learn from me. Take Jesus’s advice – find that one thing that you are lacking – the one thing you need to change – the one thing you need to let loose of – in order to follow Jesus more closely. Hear Jesus call you by name and let his life and his love grow within you – helping you to make the changes you know you need to in your life. Don’t be as foolish as I was – and just walk away. . .
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