We have a “guest speaker” this morning and I will let him speak for himself. . .
Hey you. Yeah you - I’m talking to you. It’s me, Douglas. And in case you forgot what I look like – I’m the handsome one with the red hair! I’m here today to ask you: did you know you were chosen by God? Just like the disciples in the Gospel today: you were chosen by God. Let me start with a story. I kinda had a hard day at school on Friday. Because I got picked LAST for dodgeball. And I hardly ever get picked last – because I am pretty good at catching a ball. So they put me in the outfield when we are playing softball. Or I like being the goalie when we play soccer. And at dodgeball, when you catch the ball – the person who threw it is OUT! So I could really be an asset to the team. . . BUT, I do have kind of a weakness – and I think that’s what worked against me on Friday. Because I think everyone has figured it out – I’m good a catching A ball - but if there is more than one coming at me at the same time – I’m not good at both catching and dodging. So, when multiple balls are coming at me – I just kind of freeze– and then I usually get hit – so then I’m out – and of course that’s not good for the team. So now that people know they just have to throw more than one ball at me at the same time – THAT’S why I got picked last. . . And that felt really bad. I don’t like getting picked last – I don’t think anyone does! BUT. But, did you know you and I were chosen by God – Yeah. God chose us because we are God’s special possession. God’s favorite. All of us are. Now I know you’re thinking well, if everyone is God’s favorite – then no one is God’s favorite. I know it doesn’t make sense – but that’s not how it works with God. You are God’s favorite you. And I am God’s favorite me. And since we are all one of a kind – God can choose each of us as God’s favorite. We are chosen by God. Like the prophets. Like St. Paul. Like the Apostles – we are chosen to go out and do something special – to proclaim the kingdom of God by our words and actions. St. Paul tells us 2 times in his letter to the Ephesians today – that we are chosen: He says: God chose us before the foundation of the world. That’s a long time ago – that God had us in mind to be chosen. Because we are God’s favorite. And St. Paul says: God chose us in Christ – destined for the purpose of God who accomplishes all things through us – according to God’s will. WE ARE CHOSEN BY GOD! God picks us first every time – because God created us in the divine image and likeness. God picks us first every time – because God has placed the spark of the divine within us for us to nurture so we can become more and more like Christ. God picks us first – most of all because God loves us!! Can you just let that sink in for a bit: God loves you!!! And because God loves us – God chooses us. So – you and I may not be chosen 1st at dodgeball, or for that new position that opened up at work, or for other things in our lives. BUT, when t comes to God – and the Kingdom God wants to build – a kingdom of truth and freedom – a kingdom of peace and justice – so that all people may be raised up to a new hope – We can know that God will always choose me – and God will always choose you. Because Jesus loves us. Jesus gave his life to save us. And now Jesus is living within us everyday to enlighten, strengthen, and free us: That’s how much we are loved. And I think that is really, really, really amazing – So I hope you will understand deep down inside – that you are chosen, and valued, and loved. That’s what our faith teaches us. And all we need – is faith. So that’s it for today. I know I will come and see you again. Because we are on this journey of life together – a narrow path which will lead us all to heaven. And that’s really, really, really amazing too!
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